various shenanigans.

Posts by mmwheeler:

Verizon FIOS and IMDB EPG mapping for Emby and Media Portal

Verizon FIOS and IMDB EPG mapping for Emby and Media Portal

US Grabber File located in – C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\WebEPG\grabbers\US\www_imdb_com.xml This is for Verizon Fios in the Washington, D.C. and Metro area. I had to also modified C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\WebEPG\WebEPG.xml to match channels with my imdb file. <tr><td><a><#START></a></td><td> <b><a><#TITLE></a></b><i> <a></a></i><#DESCRIPTION></td></tr>

Raspberry Pi – PulseAudio daemon SystemWide at Boot

Raspberry Pi – PulseAudio daemon SystemWide at Boot

Various findings on how to start PulseAudio at boot. has general information on running PulseAudio systemwide at boot. Those instructions, however, did not seem to actually start the daemon at boot. sudo chmod 555 /var/run/pulse/.config/pulse/cookie to get around cookie file/authentication errors. Modifying /etc/pulse/ with… load-module module-native-protocol-unix auth-anonymous=1 …seems to […]

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