After an upgrade from SP2013 to SP2016, the ability to right-click on a document and copying a shortcut was removed. This is because the IE right-click menu has been replaced by a context sensitive menu that does not include an option for copying a shortcut to the document. The following […]
About: mmwheeler
Posts by mmwheeler:
Raspberry Pi with an I2C enabled LCD screen for system and MPD music display
Connecting Sylvania Smart+ Plug (Lightify) to Philips Hue Bridge
Raspberry PI MPD Client for 2.8 PiTFT
Verizon FIOS and IMDB EPG mapping for Emby and Media Portal
US Grabber File located in – C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\WebEPG\grabbers\US\www_imdb_com.xml This is for Verizon Fios in the Washington, D.C. and Metro area. I had to also modified C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal TV Server\WebEPG\WebEPG.xml to match channels with my imdb file. <tr><td><a><#START></a></td><td> <b><a><#TITLE></a></b><i> <a></a></i><#DESCRIPTION></td></tr>
Party Mode mod for Volumio
Access 2013 Crosstab Query with Dynamic Column Headers
Raspberry Pi – PulseAudio daemon SystemWide at Boot
Various findings on how to start PulseAudio at boot. has general information on running PulseAudio systemwide at boot. Those instructions, however, did not seem to actually start the daemon at boot. sudo chmod 555 /var/run/pulse/.config/pulse/cookie to get around cookie file/authentication errors. Modifying /etc/pulse/ with… load-module module-native-protocol-unix auth-anonymous=1 …seems to […]
Raspberry PI3, 503HTA Tube DAC and USB Microphone.
InfoPath – Delete Item via UpdateListItems Web Service
I have been having problems sending a delete request via the lists.asmx web service in SharePoint. My Delete XML packet looks like this: Using the steps found here ( I setup a Delete List Item data connection. When trying to delete an item from a list (not document library) I […]