Simple scripts that you can automate with the Task Scheduler to backup/cleanup your Sharepoint 2010 farm with email notifications. Backup Script try { $today = (Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy) #Location of the Backup Folder [IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory(“E:BackupDailyFarmBackUp$today”) # This will actually initiate the SPFarm backup. Backup-SPFarm -Directory E:BackupFullFarmBackup$today -BackupMethod full # Backup-SPFarm -Directory […]
DIY Visual Pinball Cabinet – Part 2
DIY Visual Pinball Cabinet – Part 1
SQL Server Analysis Services Linking to Other Instance Feature is Disabled
This is related to my previous post on cloning VMs. I was not able to connect to the Analysis Server and Synchronize (cubes) between databases because of the following error. Errors in the OLE DB provider. The server returned the following, error: (Errors related to feature availability and configuration: The ‘Linking to […]
Sharepoint 2010 VM Clone Wars
Sharepoint 2010 Personalization Site and Global Navigation Audience Targeting
For whatever reason; the Global Navigation in a Personalization Site template does not support Dynamic FlyOut menus OR Audience Targeting. I had added several custom links in my top navigation bar and audience targeted them according to specific user roles. All users, however, could see every link regardless of the […]
Rename SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Server Databases
Had a task to move the default SQL Reporting Services ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases to a new SQL cluster which required a rename to avoid any potential conflicts. These instance of the databases are being used in Sharepoint-Integrated Mode. You could do Step 7 below before you do Steps 4 […]
Populating Notes field from Cascading Dropdown Selections
Dynamically Resize Sharepoint 2010 Report Viewer Web Part
Selection is not a valid PerformancePoint content HotFix
There is now a hotfix which addresses my previous post regarding PerformancePoint not setting the location on the web parts without user intervention in manually typing the correct location. The problem was a regression in the June 2011 CU that caused the asset picker to stop functioning properly